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Abstract of Systematic Theology

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“And we long to see those doctrines that Boyce taught, that our founding fathers believed, that Spurgeon, Bunyan, George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards preached, we long to see those truths thunder through America and through our Baptist churches. This is our desire; this is our motive; this is our longing prayer that God would be pleased to own this work to the glory of His great and holy name, and to the good of His church.”

– Ernest Reisinger & Fred Malone (from the introduction to the 1977 edition).


The doctrinal stream in which Boyce’s views are found can rightly be called Calvinistic or Reformed. He, like most early Southern Baptist leaders, was clearly convinced of the doctrines of sovereign grace. John Broadus, Boyce’s friend and colleague, made this observation about what he called “that exalted system of Pauline truth” expounded in Boyce’s Abstract:

The people who sneer at what is called Calvinism, might as well sneer at Mont Blanc. We are not bound in the least to defend all of Calvin’s opinions or actions, but I do not see how any one who really understands the Greek of the Apostle Paul or the Latin of Calvin or Turretin can fail to see that these latter did but interpret and formulate substantially what the former teaches.

May the Lord use this book from the pen of one of the greatest Southern Baptists ever to live to promote reformation and revival throughout churches everywhere.

– Tom Ascol (from the introduction to the 2006 edition)