Crucified With Christ

How to Live Daily in the Context of the Gospel

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This book is meant to highlight the simple discipleship concept that we should start each day by setting our life story in the context of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It seeks to walk the reader through the broad redemption story as we see it in the Scripture and help them think through what it would look like in their daily life if they were to preach the gospel to themselves every morning.


Crucified With Christ: How to Live Daily in the Context of the Gospel

By Tony Inmon

©2023 Tony Inmon
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-943539-64-2

Additional information

Weight .8 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 1 in

Book Type


Across today’s evangelical landscape, it’s common to see the gospel reserved solely for unbelievers. While we never want to minimize the desperate need of lost sinners to be savingly converted to Christ through the gospel, we must simultaneously never lessen the importance of Christians needing the gospel every single day. In Crucified with Christ, Tony Inmon reminds us that the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ for sinners does not merely begin our journey but remains the very foundation and centerpiece of the Christian life. With compelling counsel, practical illustrations, and pastoral exhortations, he urges us to combat sin, selfishness, and worldly distractions by clinging to the good news of Jesus daily. Every believer needs continual gospel rehearsal, and Dr. Inmon has given us a resource to help us do just that. The appendix section I think could also be used well in a group setting.

—Allen S. Nelson IV
Pastor, Providence Baptist Church, Perryville, AR
Author, From Death to Life, Before the Throne, and A Change of Heart

This book is an evangelist, a teacher for thinking biblically about life, an instructor in apostolic principles of growing in grace and the knowledge of Christ, a provocative for renewing the mind, and a coach for developing a consistent lifestyle of truth-grounded discipleship. From its clear explanation of the gospel, through its presentation of the character and necessity of worldview, to its biblical figures on the necessity of saving union with Christ, and its striking emphasis on stewardship of God’s world and word, this book will help local churches in the whole of their God-commanded privilege to make people wise to salvation and thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Tony Inmon has crafted an edifying resource for the church’s ministry to the lost and to believers at all stages of Christian growth.

—Tom J. Nettles
Retired Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Author, By His Grace and for His Glory and Praise Is His Gracious Choice

In a culture that uses the term gospel casually, Tony Inmon pushes the pause button and deeply immerses us in its consuming power. This work is not just another attempt to place greater emphasis on the gospel but a heart cry to see every Christ follower deeply impacted and enriched by the true glory of the gospel.”

—Dr. Tony Lambert
Pastor, Picayune First





Part 1: The Grand Narrative of Life

1. The Story

2. Biblical Theology

3. What It Means to Set Our Lives in the Context of the Gospel

Part 2: Daily Living in the Context of the Gospel

4. Daily Discipleship

5. The Effects of Living Life in the Context

of the Gospel

6. Managing Life in the Context of the Gospel

7. Re-orienting to a Gospel Context

Conclusion: The Simplicity of the Gospel as the Answer to Everything

Appendix: Fifty Devotionals to Help Us Start Every Day in the Context of the Gospel

Scripture Index

About the Author

Tony Inmon serves as an Associational Mission Strategist for the Pearl River Baptist Association. Tony and his wife Denita live in Picayune, Mississippi, with their daughter Taylor. Tony has served as a pastor, missionary, and church planting strategist in Mississippi, Virginia, Uruguay, West Virginia, and Florida. He has traveled to encourage, consult, and train local churches and church plants around the world in Africa, South America, and Europe. Tony earned his BA at Blue Mountain Christian University, his MDiv at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and his DMin at Luther-Rice College and Seminary.


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Tony Inmon

Tony Inmon serves as an Associational Mission Strategist for the Pearl River Baptist Association. Tony and his wife Denita live in Picayune, Mississippi, with their daughter Taylor. Tony has served as a pastor, missionary, and church planting strategist in Mississippi, Virginia, Uruguay, West Virginia, and Florida. He has traveled to encourage, consult, and train local churches and church plants around the world in Africa, South America, and Europe. Tony earned his BA at Blue Mountain Christian University, his MDiv at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and his DMin at Luther-Rice College and Seminary.