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Life in the Body of Christ (Audiobook)


Biblical, spiritual, practical and sensible, this book fills a gaping hole in contemporary Christian literature. Curtis Thomas pours into these pages over forty years of fruitful experience in local church life and witness. They deserve to be widely read and will surely be of outstanding help to all who do so with a willingness to learn.

Dr. John Blanchard (1932 – 2021)
Theologian, Apologist, Author of many volumes including Right with God, Whatever Happened to Hell? and Does God Believe in Atheists?


Available here on Amazon in Audiobook, eBook and Paperback. 

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Life in the Body of Christ
Privileges and Responsibilities in the Local Church

By Curtis C. Thomas
Original Edition © 2006 Curtis C. Thomas
Hardcover Edition, 2023


Curtis C. Thomas

For almost 50 years Curtis Thomas pastored several Baptist Churches in central Arkansas, and retired in 1998 as the Executive Pastor of The Bible Church of Little Rock. In addition to Life in the Body of Christ, he authored Practical Wisdom for Pastors and was co-author of two other works: The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended and Documented and Romans: An Interpretive Outline. He and his wife, Betty, live in Little Rock, Arkansas where they serve as active members of Redeemer Community Church. In his middle 80’s he continues to teach a number of home classes verse by verse through Paul’s letter to the Romans. They have three sons and five grandchildren.