
Serious Joy, introduces readers to the seventy Resolutions Jonathan Edwards wrote when he was only nineteen years old, showing how they are directly relevant and needful for Christians today.
Each resolution is expounded on in a way that helps the reader establish a regular rhythm of private worship by pointing them to the Scriptures that underpin each resolution and further harmonizes the resolutions with other writings of Edwards that bring them into better focus. The goal of this book is to exalt Christ, foster meditation and prayer, and demonstrate how serious joy in Christ leads to growth in Christlikeness. All of this is accomplished by tethering the reader to the theology of Jonathan Edwards. In so doing, Serious Joy succeeds in bringing a fresh approach to the writings of Edwards by making them more approachable for the Christian who wants to understand the significance and importance of Edwards’ contribution to Christian theology.
Listen to a podcast interview on The Sword & The Trowel with the author here.
Book Details
Serious Joy: Reflections and Devotions on Jonathan Edwards’ Seventy Resolutions
by Joey Tomlinson
©2023 Joey Tomlinson
Published by Founders Press
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-943539-42-0
Page Count: 210
Jonathan Edwards is arguably the greatest mind ever produced on the North American continent. His writings cover a wide range of topics from theology to philosophy to nature and natural science. But infused in them all is his sense of reverence and awe to be living before the presence of his God. That Edwards wrote seventy resolutions as a teenager to govern his life is commonly known to those who have spent much time studying his life and work. Few, however, have taken the time to read those resolutions carefully, much less to meditate through them. In this work, Joey Tomlinson has made doing both much easier. By demonstrating the biblical thinking out of which each resolution arises, he provides us not only insight into Edwards’ mind but also opportunities to have our own shaped more practically by Scripture. I highly commend this book to all who aspire to do whatever would bring God most glory and bring to themselves their greatest good, profit, and pleasure.
Dr. Tom Ascol
Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, FL
President, Founders Ministries
I distinctly remember encountering the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards in college. Some of them I can still quote by heart. ‘To live with all my might, while I do live.’ ‘To study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive myself to grow in the knowledge of the same.’ ‘To never suffer the least motions of anger to irrational beings.’ Joey Tomlinson has written a wonderful introduction and guide to Edwards’ Resolutions, wisely expounding and pressing them into the corners of our lives. I’m glad to commend this little book on Serious Joy.
Joe Rigney
Fellow of Theology, New Saint Andrews College, Moscow, Idaho
I am so thrilled that another generation of Jonathan Edwards scholars has discovered the Resolutions. Written when the great revivalist pastor was just 19 years old, the seventy resolutions have inspired believers for 300 years now to ‘Live with all my might while I do live!’ I am thankfult hat Joey Tomlinson has taken the time to study this inspiring private document from America’s greatest theologian. I hope the Lord uses this book to help people discover the writings of this God-glorifying colonial pastor.
Dr. Matthew Everhard
Pastor, Gospel Fellowship Presbyterian Church (PCA), Valencia,PA
Author of Souls: How Jesus Saves Sinners and Holy Living: Jonathan Edwards’s Seventy Resolutions for Living the Christian Life
Foreword by C.R.Wiley
Introducing Jonathan Edwards
The Preamble: Sustenance for the Journey
Resolutions 1 & 2: The Glory of God
Resolution 3: Repent Quickly
Resolution 4: Disown Yourself
Resolution 5: Redeem the Time
Resolution 6: We are Dependent Creatures
Resolutions 7, 9, 10, & 17: Suffering and Death
Resolution 8: Hate Your Sin First
Resolution 11: Are You Interested in God?
Resolution 12: Theology and Doxology
Resolution 13: Strategic, Cheerful Generosity
Resolution 14: Vengeance Belongs to God
Resolution 15:The Blasphemous Nature of Our Anger
Resolutions 16, 31, & 36: When and How to Wound (Part 1)
Resolutions 18, 19, 50, 51 & 55:Eternity-Driven Focus
Resolutions 20 & 40: Moderation
Resolutions 21: Don’t Do What You Despise
Resolutions 52 & 54: Awareness and Humility
Resolutions 22:Violence is Required
Resolutions 23 & 24: Finding Your Roots
Resolutions 25 & 26: The Accuser
Resolution 27: Sins of Omission
Resolution 28: Study the Scriptures
Resolution 29: True Evangelical Prayer
Resolution 30: A Higher Religion
Resolution 32:Faithfulness
Resolution 33: He Made Peace
Resolution 34: Guard Your Mouth
Resolution 35: Anxiety and Assurance
Resolution 37: Confession of Sin and Forgiveness in Christ
Resolution 38: The Lord’s Day
Resolution 39: Blameless
Resolution 41: An Example, Yet Cautionary Tale
Resolution 42: Considering Your Baptism.
Resolutions 43 & 44: We are Not Autonomous
Resolution 45: Holy Emotions
Resolution 46: Honor Thy Father and Mother
Resolution 47: Pride and Humility
Resolutions 48 & 49: Assurance
Resolution 53: Eternal Safety
Resolution 56: Do Not Despair in Your Fight Against Sin
Resolution 57: Misfortunes, Adversities, &Personal Responsibility
Resolutions 58 & 59: Dealing with Anger
Resolution 60: Self-Control
Resolution 61: Listlessness
Resolution 62: Cheerful Work
Resolution 63: Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy
Resolution 64: Dependency on the Holy Spirit in Prayer
Resolutions 65 & 68: Transparency with God
Resolution 66: When and How to Wound (Part 2)
Resolution 67: Suffering
Resolution 69: Christ Has Authority, So Get to Work
Resolution 70: Benevolence
Appendix: Categories
About the Author
Scripture Index