Striving for the Faith (eBook)

A Journey through Philippians for Life on Mission

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“Let this book refresh your assurance in the reign of Christ over the nations and the privileged role of the local church together in His mission.”

—Dr. E. D. Burns

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Paul’s epistle to the Philippians sports many pivotal motifs—joy, suffering, humility, and encouragement. Underneath all these themes, Philippians is a book of mission. Its thesis comes in chapter 1, verse 27: “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.”

This crucial letter stands as a summons for the church today to strive for the faith and be about the work of her Lord. In turn, this expository journey through Philippians is intended as an invitation for all of Christ’s people to read Paul’s time-tested words with new eyes and to apply it to a life of mission.

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Book Details

Striving for the Faith: A Journey through Philippians for Life on Mission

Written by Alex Kocman

©2024 Alex Kocman

Published by Founders Press
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN: 978-1-943539-68-0 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-943539-94-9 (eBook)
ISBN: 978-1-943539-95-6 (Audiobook)


Few consider Philippians to be as missiological as Acts, but Paul’s joy-filled prison letter—and indeed the entire New Testament—is saturated with a profound (though often implicit) theology of mission. In this practical and devotional exposition of Philippians, Alex Kocman draws implications for evangelism, discipleship, and global mission by considering such fruitful topics as fellowship, anticipation of Christ’s return, suffering, humility, gratitude, perseverance, love, contentment, heavenly-mindedness, and God-centeredness. Find here a glimpse into the missiological thrust of Philippians that is both essential to Paul’s message and easily overlooked.

Dr. Joel R. Beeke
Chancellor and Professor of Homiletics & Systematic Theology,
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Practical, devotional, and pastoral. Alex Kocman’s prayerful reflections on the missional fellowship of the church in Philippi remind us that Christ is Lord, and His mission is secure. A church in partnership for Christ’s gospel is sure to go out with joy, in the peace of Christ. Let this book refresh your assurance in the reign of Christ over the nations and the privileged role of the local church together in His mission.

Dr. E. D. Burns
International Director, Frontier Dispatch;
Professor of Missiology and Spirituality,
Asia Biblical Theological Seminary;
Missionary in Southeast Asia

This book is not simply a devotional. In a journey through Philippians, we encounter the text and theology of the book as well as wise instruction on applying Paul’s letter to our lives. Kocman isn’t simply concerned with individual Christians, however, but like Paul, wants these truths to take root and bear fruit in the lives of our churches and overflow into our Great Commission efforts. I rarely meet a book that so thoroughly takes the reader on such a journey from Word to prayer to life to mission. Not only mission teams but all Christians would benefit from Kocman’s guide.

Justin Schell
U.S. Director, Union School of Theology;
Director, Younger Leaders Generation,
Lausanne Movement

With missionary fervor, Kocman faithfully and pastorally expounds the book of Philippians in a devotional way. Recognizing that the Bible’s theology leads to communion with God, each chapter ends with a prayer and helpful “prayer prompts” in light of the Scriptures. Readers of this volume will be challenged and exhorted to live boldly for Christ, to hold fast to the Word of God, and to glorify Him in every aspect of life.

Dr. Tom Hicks
Pastor, First Baptist Church,
Clinton, Louisiana

It is easy to forget that the New Testament is mostly made up of missionary texts. In Striving for the Faith, Alex walks us through the ramifications of this reality in the book of Philippians. In a unique expository/inspirational style, the reader is exposed to the spiritual battle Paul wages on behalf of the young church. That battle is also our battle, and the richness of Paul’s exhortation draws us in as Alex ties these themes to contemporary ministry.

Dr. Ted Esler
President, Missio Nexus




Part 1: Striving for the Faith through Joyful Partnership(Philippians 1:1–30)

1. Grace and Peace to God’s Servants

2. Fellowship beyond the Church Potluck

3. No Unfinished Work

4. The Christian Response to Disruptive Witness

5. On the Relationship between Love and Truth

6. Faithfully Awaiting Christ’s Return

7. Life on Mission: A Call to Suffer

8. Confidence in the Face of Persecution

9. Responding to Preachers with Impure Motives

10. A Case for Christian Optimism

11. The Missionary Question: To Live or Die?

12. To Be “Worthy” of the Gospel

13. How to “Strive” for the Faith

14. Persecution, Suffering, and Fearlessness

Part 2: Striving for the Faith through Humble Mission(Philippians 2:1–30)

15. A Surprising Way to Encourage Ministry Leaders

16. Goldfish and Towels

17. Reading Christ’s Mind

18. Even Death on a Cross

19. The Name above Every Name

20. Every Knee Will Bow

21. What It Means to “Work Out” Your Salvation

22. On Divine Sovereignty and Christian Willpower

23. The Ineffable Witness of a Complaint-Free Christian

24. Positivity Is Not Enough

25. Can a True Christian “Waste” His Life?

26. Timothy’s Proven Worth

27. The Costliness of Christian Love

Part 3: Striving for the Faith through Persevering Devotion (Philippians 3:1–21) 

28. The Serious Business of Heaven

29. Watch Out

30. The Meaninglessness of Merit

31. Trash or Treasure

32. No Shortcuts in the Christian Race

33. Heavenly Minded and Earthly Good?

Part 4: Striving for the Faith through Radical Contentment (Philippians 4:1–23) 

34. Why Christians Stand Firm

35. The Cure for Conflict

36. Reasonableness: The New “Radical”

37. Anxiety-Pacifying Prayer

38. Goodness, Truth, Beauty, and the Christian

39. How to Endure All Things

40. The Grace of Giving and Receiving

41. Devotion beyond Donation

42. God Will Provide—to the Last Penny

43. The Three Letters That Define Christian Mission

44. God’s Empowering Grace for His Whole Global Family

45. Coda: Being Philippians

Scripture Index




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Alex Kocman

Alex Kocman is the Director of Communications and Engagement for ABWE and serves as an elder and as worship director at Faith Bible Fellowship Church of York, Pa. He serves as general editor for Message Magazine and co-hosts The Missions Podcast. After earning his M.A. in Communication and B.S. in Biblical Studies, he served as an online apologetics instructor with Liberty University and a youth pastor in Pennsylvania, where he now resides with his wife and four children. You can follow him on X at @ajkocman or by visiting