The Good Fight (eBook)

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For those devoted to Great Commission service, whether they be traditional missionaries, pastors, lay leaders in a local church, or parents making disciples of their children, a strong temptation exists to add on to Scripture alone and faith alone. But we have no charge to go beyond what is written. Great Commission servants can rest in the promises of the Word of Christ and the power of the work of Christ. The fight for the gospel faith is relentless, and we are well aware of our insufficiency. But us is a good fight. Indeed, it is the good fight. Through faith alone, grounded in Scripture alone, we can take courage and press on, confident that our sufficiency is in Christ alone.

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The Good Fight: Holding Fast to Faith Alone and the Word of Christ

by E.D. Burns
©2024 E.D. Burns
Excerpts taken from Seeds and Stars: Resting in Christ for Great Commission Service
ISBN: 978-1-943539-88-8

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Book Type




First Things: Terms and Vocabulary

Scripture: Precept and Promise

Faith: Resting in the God Who Promises

A Gospel Servant’s Dying Hour
