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The Illustrated Baptist Catechism (eBook)


It is hard to overestimate the value of being catechized. Parents and teachers who invest the time, energy, and discipline to teach the questions and answers of this time-tested catechism will help stack up wood on the altars of young lives which will be ready to burn when God sends the fire of His Holy Spirit in the new birth. Through this beautifully illustrated edition of The Baptist Catechism, Paul Cox has provided a new generation of children a great tool that will incentivize them to learn the great doctrinal truths of God’s Word.

Dr. Tom Ascol 
President, Founders Ministries
Pastor, Grace Baptist Church
Cape Coral, FL

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The Illustrated Baptist Catechism

by Paul Cox
©2021 Paul Cox: compilation, illustrations, and design. Original texts are in the public domain.

Paul Cox

Paul and Stephanie Cox reside in southern Wisconsin with their four children, three noisy chickens, and a few thousand honey bees.  Paul is a full time freelance cartoonist and works on RefToons in his down time.  When Stephanie is not teaching the kids, she manages the RefToons mailings and is the voice behind the camera in the live videos.  They enjoy working together to develop content that points people to Christ. To see more of Paul’s work, visit: