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The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom

Original price was: $21.98.Current price is: $17.58.

“What is this book good for? It establishes a clear linear understanding of the biblical text in its purpose of driving the reader to see how faithfully God executes His purpose in creation. The covenantal framework from Adam to Christ, from creation to consummation is a most apt way of seeing the flow of the entire biblical text. One is lifted into the journey to see the entire scope of divine providence work out the divine decree from generation to generation, book to book, event to event, person to person.”

Tom Nettles

Find the audiobook on Amazon and Audible here. 


The Mystery of Christ, His Covenant, and His Kingdom

By Samuel Renihan
©2019 Founders Press
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978–1–943539–15–4

228 pages (soft cover)