Like all children, Chuck and Susie have a lot of questions. They want to know if God, who made all things, made their house, just who decided their new baby would be a brother, what makes a person different from an animal, and why, why, why about everything! Thankfully, Dad and Momma are ready with answers, using the timeless truths from God’s Word to help their kids understand the world, themselves, and the God who made them.
Follow along with these siblings in a new Board Book series for children ages 0-5 from Founders Ministries. Lessons in Truth and Grace takes the questions and answers from The Catechism for Boys and Girls featured in the Truth and Grace Memory Book: Book 1 and places them in simple stories to help children understand foundational theology. With beautiful illustrations and lyrical rhymes, Lessons in Truth and Grace invites children (and parents) to learn with Chuck and Susie and discover what God says about who He is and who they are.
Book Details
Who Made You?
by Sarah Ascol
©2024 Sarah Ascol (text)
©2024 Rebekah Hair (illustrations)
Printed in China
ISBN: 978-0-9833590-3-6
Board Book
In a day when the truth about human nature is under relentless attack, this little book wonderfully and beautifully communicates the teaching of God’s good Word about the true nature of mankind. With the skillful use of poetry and rhyme, Sarah Ascol explains the answer to the first question of the children’s catechism: “Who made you? God made me.” May the Lord use this book to teach the next generation that God created them in His image and that they are fearfully and wonderfully made for His glory.
Dr. Tom Hicks
Pastor | First Baptist Church
Clinton, LA
I highly recommend this little book to read with your children! Excellent illustrations and content. We read many books like this to our children growing up and they still remember them … literally! May God bless Sarah’s effort to seal to our children’s minds that God made them.
Dr. Fred Malone
Pastor Emeritus | First Baptist Church, Clinton, LA
As a grandfather of 15 grandchildren–Yes, 15!–I am very aware of the importance of having good reading material for them. The best times are when I can sit down with them and read them a story. The series of illustrated books for children which begins with, ‘Who Made You’ and the illustration of the first question in the children’s catechism is a valuable resource for grandparents like my wife and myself.
As a pastor of a church with lots of little children growing up among us, I am very aware of how powerful and deviant our culture is. We need to begin teaching our children early with truths like the one illustrated in ‘Who Made You’ to insulate and protect them from our deviant culture! May God bless this book and the series of which it is to be a part with much usefulness!
Dr. Sam Waldron
President and Professor of Systematic TheologyÂ
Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary
What a wonderful book! For enchanting art work, charming rhyme, biblical soundness, theological coherence, and important cultural relevance, get this book and read it to your children often. Let them memorize the poetry, absorb the artistic aesthetics, be nurtured on the Bible truth, rejoice in the wisdom of the Creator God, and be happy with their gender.
Dr. Tom Nettles
Founding Faculty | The Institute of Public Theology
Who Made You? is a charming and theologically rich story that reinforces children’s understanding of God’s image imprinted on each person. This book will be an invaluable resource for parents teaching their children to value life and see themselves as creations of Almighty God, responsible and accountable to Him. I highly recommend it for parents and children everywhere.
Alex Kocman
Director of Communications and Engagement | ABWE
We have certain board books that we love reading to our children and we look forward to adding this one to the rotation. Written in an engaging and relatable way, this book is a perfect channel to deliver big truths to little minds. Your little ones will learn about God as our skillful Creator, human beings as male and female, made in His image, and other foundational truths as you read this together.
Ben & Jessa Seewald
Pastor & Wife
Immanuel Baptist Church,
Springdale, AR
While the serpent of the world incessantly hisses that life is meaningless, this simple book helps parents crush this lie by reminding our children early why their lives have immeasurable value and meaning.
Bradley Pierce
Father of 11
President | The Foundation to Abolish Abortion