
The Regulative Principle and The Biblical Principle of Accommodation

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This book masterfully defines, explains, and defends the Reformed principle of worship — the regulative principle. Moreover, the principle is not left in the realm of theory. The application of the principle in the context of modern evangelical life is developed, especially how to implement the regulative principle in congregations who do not yet fully understand or embrace this biblical principle. This is a must-read for those seeking to bring reformation to the worship of the local church.


Worship: The Regulative Principle and The Biblical Principle of Accommodation

By Ernest Reisinger & D. Matthew Allen
Revised Edition ©2022 Founders Press
First Edition ©2001 Founders Press
ISBN 978-0-9705248-6-7
207 pages (soft cover)



Additional information

Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.5 in


Book Type


 “This book presents a defense of the regulative principle. The authors defend its solidly and thoroughly biblical character and give a history of its defense in the context of Reformed biblical exegesis and historic confessions. The result of this careful work is a clearly biblical and theologically sound presentation of the regulative principle of Christian worship.”

Dr. Tom J. Nettles | Author, Founding faculty member of the Institute of Public Theology, and Retired Professor of Historical Theology, SBTSand SBTS

“I commend the reading of this book to students, pastors, and the people in the pew to restore biblical worship to that which is commanded by God instead of invented by man’s desires. After all, the best worship of God must be formed by His own commands concerning His worship.”

Dr. Fred Malone | Author, Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church of Clinton, Louisiana and Professor of Pastoral Theology, IRBS and CBTSand CBTS. 

About the Author

About the Authors

D. Matthew Allen is a lawyer in Tampa, FL.

Ernest C. Reisinger was a pastor, a trustee for the Banner of Truth and a founding board member of Founders Ministries.



Introductory Comments on Worship

Preface: How Shall We Worship?

Foundational Principles

The Regulative Principle
Part A: Doctrine

The Regulative Principle Defined

The Regulative Principle Defended

The Regulative Principle in History

The Regulative Principle
Part B: Application

The Regulative Principle Applied to the Invitation System

Christian Liberty and Accommodation
Part A: Doctrine

Christian Liberty


Christian Liberty and Accommodation
Part B: Application

Applying the Practice of Accommodation to the Altar Call


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