Brothers, We Are Not Plagiarists

A Pastoral Plea to Forsake the Peddling of God's Word

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Dr. David Schrock has given careful thought to this malady that plagues the modern church. In an age when both written sermons and audio recordings of preaching are readily available, the wisdom that he shares in this small book is priceless. With scholarly precision and pastoral care, David explains and demonstrates what faithful expositors are called to do and must avoid doing. He writes as a practitioner who is very familiar with the challenges of using the insights of others when speaking publicly. As such, this book is not so much a critique of pulpit plagiarism as it is a positive manual of how to avoid it. His labors have served both churches and those under shepherds whose responsibility it is to feed them week by week by serving them the Word of God.

Tom Ascol | Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church; President, Founders Ministries and The Institute of Public Theology




Listen to a podcast interview on The Sword & The Trowel with the author here.



Brothers, We Are Not Plagiarists: A Pastoral Plea to Forsake the Peddling of God’s Word

by David Schrock
©2022 Founders Press
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-0-9654955-6-1

Additional information

Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 5 × .3 × 7 in

Book Type


Foreword by Tom Ascol

Preface: Brothers, We Are Not Plagiarists

1. On Plagiarism and Preachers

2. The Sermon Begins in Your Study

3. “But He Just Gets Me”

4. A Fraternity of Qualified Elders

5. Annotations and Allusions

6. On Pragmatism and Plagiarism

Scripture Index

David Schrock

David Schrock (Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the pastor for preaching and theology at Occoquan Bible Church in Woodbridge, Virginia. He has taught theology at Southern Seminary, Indianapolis Theological Seminary, and the Institute of Public Theology. He is the Editor in Chief at Christ Over All and author of The Royal Priesthood and Glory of God (Crossway) and Brothers, We Are Not Plagiarists (Founders). He is married to Wendy, and together they have four children.